We've found Memorial Day can be one of the most confusing national "holidays" for many Americans. It's easy to find ourselves saying things like "Happy Memorial Day" or looking forward to the day off to grill with friends and family. To us, Memorial Day is not about hot dogs and BBQ. It's about remembering over 1 million American lives lost in the defense of our freedom. As the saying goes, "Freedom isn't free."
Our team knows this first hand, as each of us has brothers and sisters in arms who are now buried at Arlington Cemetery. We've watched the sunrise on the tarmac at forward operating bases while coffins were loaded on cargo planes bound for Dover. We remember every day the shared laughter and the shed tears of serving together on foreign soil. Any sacrifice we've endured, dramatically pales in comparison to the men and women who did not come home. That is what we remember on Memorial Day.
So, can you say "Happy Memorial Day?" Yes, of course, you can...especially if it comes from a place of grateful joy for the life we live today that was provided by the sacrifices of generations before. On Memorial Day, take time to reflect on the men and women who gave it all for us. Find a way to memorialize this for yourself and your family.
We often say we don't make flags...we build memorials. We've found our products are a transmission of shared values...a way to make our emotions permanent. We are honored to help you memorialize our Nation's values and those who sacrificed to preserve them.
From the entire Flags of Valor team, thank you for your support!
(Photo: Brian Steorts at Vietnam War Memorial Wall during Rolling Thunder)
Author: Joe Shamess is an American combat veteran of Afghanistan, the Middle East, and East Africa. Joe is an entrepreneur, investor, and a Co-Founder and Owner of Flags of Valor.