Think about this question. When is the last time you personally thanked a firefighter?
Our company can answer this question with clarity. We recently experienced a fire in our workshop. The extent of the damage, while significant, would have been much worse had it not been for the rapid response of Loudoun County Fire and Rescue...our local First Responders. Thankfully, no members of our team were injured during this event. While this experience has set us back a bit, we will recover, learn from it, and be a better company because of it. We are incredibly fortunate the damage was not more significant.
"Giving Back" is a core part of our company's mission. Giving back, to us, means donating our time, talent, and energy to initiatives that identify and pay tribute to the dedicated service provided by our Nation's Veteran, Law Enforcement, and First Responder communities. Our recent fire experience serves as a stark reminder of the important role these communities play in our daily lives.
We're a resilient company. While this is a setback, our work continues each day. On this day, however, we ask that you seek out your local fire station, stop by, and simply say "Thank You!"