Giving Back

Flags of Valor's Israel Flag Initiative: A Mission for Unity and Hope

Flags of Valor's Israel Flag Initiative: A Mission for Unity and Hope

Crafting Flags, Crafting Unity

At Flags of Valor, we believe in the power of unity, hope, and compassion, and that's why we're excited to announce our Israel Flag Initiative. We are honored to collaborate with Tim Kennedy on this mission to make a meaningful impact in lives touched by the ongoing crisis in Israel. 


The Israel Flag - A Symbol of Resilience and Unity

Meticulously crafted by our team of combat veterans, each WOODEN ISRAELI FLAG is a vivid tribute to Israel's enduring strength and resilience. Our flags are more than just decorative items; they are statements of solidarity and commitment to a better, more harmonious future for all.

"We've always believed that our flags serve as more than just art; they're a rallying point for unity and shared values. With this special Israeli flag, we're aiming to go a step further by directly aiding those in need through our partnership with Save Our Allies." - Brian Steorts, Flags of Valor

Making a Tangible Impact

When you purchase one of these SPECIAL ISRAELI FLAGS, you're not just buying a piece of art; you're making a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by the ongoing crisis. Every cent from the sale of these flags will go directly to Save Our Allies, a heroic organization tirelessly working to provide humanitarian relief and support in Israel.

The Power of Collaboration

Our collaboration with Tim Kennedy amplifies the reach of this initiative, bringing together communities who might not normally intersect but share a common goal of making a real-world impact. Together, we're united in this endeavor, not just to raise funds but also to spread awareness and hope.

Why Save Our Allies?

In the wake of the October 7th attacks on Israel, Save Our Allies has been instrumental in providing urgent humanitarian support. Their rapid response and dedication to their mission make them an ideal partner for this initiative. They have facilitated the evacuation of American citizens and continue to operate in Israel and neighboring nations to provide ongoing support.

Take Action Today

We invite you to be a part of this noble cause. Visit our shop to explore the new Israeli flag, available in different sizes and options, and join us in our mission to craft not just flags, but also unity and hope. 

Thank you for being a part of our community and for standing with us.

Brian Steorts
Flags of Valor