These are our stars and stripes, the 50 stars and the 13 stripes that are recognizable across the world by billions of souls. A symbol of not only freedom, but justice as well as equality for all. It is a piece of art and history that has changed millions of lives and shaped the fate of countless nations. From its earliest days, sewn together on the laps of patriotic women, to its present day, forged by the weary hands of our heroes, the American flag is an unmistakable symbol that represents everything America and Americans stand for. Our right to say what we mean, our right to protest in the streets and the countless other rights guaranteed by our beloved Constitution.
That is what this flag means. No matter how rough the seas are, no matter how tough the opposition is, no matter how entrenched our troops may be, the American flag has shined tall, bloody and battered, yet still there as a proclamation of hope and freedom in the abyss of it all. From Gettysburg to Iwo Jima, from Bunker Hill to Fallujah, what has kept our men and women on the front lines together has been their just and righteous desire to defend and protect what those 50 stars and 13 stripes means to them. It may seem difficult to properly thank those who've served, but know they didn't serve in order to receive thanks. They served because of their commitment to their family crest: The American Flag.
The majority of our team members are heroes in their own right, having served and bled for those 50 stars and 13 stripes and everything it represents. These strong individuals craft our beautiful wooden American flags with their own hands, using real American wood. Our flags are not just Made in America, but also Made by Americans, for Americans. Their service in uniform may have ended, but they continue to serve by crafting our Nation's Family Crest so that everything it stands for may never be forgotten. Support them now by purchasing a genuine, handcrafted by our heroes, wooden American flag here, today.